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Do you want to be free from addiction?


Now let's be honest: do you really believe in all that? Even if you believe in one of the above things, we need to disillusion you – it's all nonsense. Smoking is a damaging habit which ruins your body. There are no advantages of smoking, I mean, NONE. Oh, I'm sorry, there is one – money. But this money does not go into your pocket; but to those who produce cigarettes make a fortune on your health. If you want to keep adding zeros in their bank accounts, it's your choice....

Now you are thinking it's easier said than done. You also think ''I guess a person who wrote this has never smoked. If quiting was easy, I would have done it already.” Don't worry. Not only you have tried many times and you promised yourself that this will be your last cigarette – more than 70% of smokers admit they want to quit and 30% of them try to quit every year, but with no success.

It is not your fault that all those attempts have been unsuccessful. Nicotine is a strong addictive substance which works similarly to drugs by stimulating the same brain areas. That is why quitting smoking without external support is extremely hard and, in some cases, impossible.

Therefore it is important to be prepared for stopping smoking. If you really want to quit, there is a solution which can help you. It is Nicorix – milions of smokers around the world have already tried it and now it is available with new improved formula.

Say NO to:

  • harmful tar,
  • yellow teeth,
  • bad smell,
  • smoker's cough,
  • sallow complexion and matt hair!

Nicorix will help you get rid of the addiction without nicotine cravings. But that's not all what you get when quitting with Nicorix:

You can save up to £6,000 a year!

Smoking is a very expensive habit and not everyone can afford it. In spite of that the British spend 3 billion pounds on cigarettes! You have to admit that it is an impressive number.

Remember it's not the end of ''the financial consequences.” Smokers pay higher rates of health insurance – even up to 2.5% higher! A bank can even deny insurance to some smokers. In case of sickness which is fairly common among smokers there are additional costs of treatment. As you can see smoking simply does not pay off....

See how much an average smoker spends on cigarettes

  • - weekly: £100
  • - monthly: £400
  • - yearly: £4,800
  • - in 10 years: £48,000
  • - since the start of smoking (20 years): £96,000!

Have you ever wondered how much money you have spent on cigarettes so far?
Use our calculator to find out.

How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?
How much do you pay per packet?
How many years have you been smoking?
This is how much money you smoked

And now imagine what you could buy for all this money!
It should be sufficient motivation for you to stop this expensive habit once and for all!

Reduce the risk of heart disease by 53%

If you are not concerned with ''financial consequences” of smoking, you need to think about the risk to your health. Diseases linked to smoking cause 5 million deaths every year. Imagine how many people lose their loved ones and how many children become orphaned. In developed countries smoking is the most common cause of diseases and premature deaths. By stopping smoking you are reducing the risk of heart disease by 53%!

On the right: non-smoker's lungs; on the left: smoker's lungs.
The impact of stopping smoking at different age on the risk of death caused by lung cancer. (source: Cancer Research UK)
Quit Smoking Today and After:
  • 20 minutes your raised pulse and blood pressure will go back to normal,
  • 24 hours risk of heart attack will be reduced
  • 1 month cough and difficulties with breathing will go away
  • 12 months risk of heart attack will be reduced by 50%
  • 5 years the probability of throat or oesophagus tumour will be reduced by half
  • 10 years the risk of lung cancer will be reduced by 50%
Focus on Your Looks and Weight

Many people who want to stop smoking are worried about putting on weight. Unfortunately it is common that after quitting smoking many people gain a few extra pounds. It is because smoking increases your metabolism and after stopping the supply of nicotine metabolism slows down.

However, with Nicorix you are in control of your weight. You can be sure that you will not put on weight. It is possible thanks to natural substances such as guarana which effectively increases metabolism speed preventing weight gain even when you replace a cigarette with food.

That is not the end. Everyone knows that smoking causes faster skin-aging, skin loses its radiance and hair becomes matt. Not to mention yellow stained teeth which are not really attractive. If you quit smoking today, we guarantee you that you will see a huge change in your appearance and you will feel younger too!

NICORIX Works – It Is Scientifically Proven
93.1% people who smoked on average for 18 years – permanently stopped smoking

Nicorix has been thoroughly analyzed and tested. The results have confirmed that it is effective and better than competitive products. The research covered a group of people aged 25-65 who smoked more than 10 cigarettes a day on average for 18 years. The testers have been divided into two groups depending on the number of years they smoked. The patients were taking 2 tablets a day:

- group no. 1: people who smoked for less than 10 years;

- group no. 2: people who smoked for more than 10 years.

The results are as follows:


55,25% Competitive Product

8,2% Placebo

* the average from both groups

The treatment was planned for 2 months. However, the supplement was so effective in the group of people who smoked for less then 10 years that there was no need to continue it for the next 30 days. In case of group no. 2 the treatment time was 2 months.

The effectiveness of Nicorix treatment surprised even specialists who were developing this product. Dr Roger Collins said after the test:

''I've never doubted Nicorix effectiveness even at the start of testing. We have carefully tested its ingredients and we have proven their effectiveness in laboratory conditions. Apart from the tablets, there are also other factors, such as, for example, motivation or strong will. The effectiveness 91.2 % among people smoking for over 10 years and 94.9% among people smoking for less than 10 years has exceeded our expectations.”

What is more, the patients confirm that they did not feel the urge to reach for the cigarette on the first day of treatment.

The effectiveness of a competitive product, one of the most popular available on the market, is respectively 61.3%, 49.2% and only 11%, 5.4% of people who took placebo stopped smoking. Most of them started smoking again.

How Does He Do It?

Nicorix is tablets without nicotine. Probably you are wondering how it is possible that a product which does not contain nicotine can help you quit smoking. To understand this I will explain how nicotine works.

There are nicotine receptors in your brain. When you smoke, nicotine binds with the receptors and then sends information to other part of your brain. This stimulates dopamine secretion, a chemical also called ''pleasure transmitter.” However, this feeling disappears quickly and cigarette craving comes back – your body wants another portion of pleasure. A vicious circle.

Nicorix does not contain nicotine because lack of control over nicotine treatment could lead to even bigger addiction. This natural supplement helps get rid of nicotine addiction through gradual body detox. That is why the results are permanent. Nicorix will also improve your mood and concentration.

Our Supplement Works on Two Levels:
  • kudzu root, a Nicorix ingredient, blocks nicotine receptors, thus cheating our body and making cigarette craving disappear after taking only one tablet;
  • effectively fights symptoms of nicotine wtihdrawal such as irritation, agitation, raised pulse, helping you to ''survive” this difficult period. That is why the results are permanent and nicotine craving does not come back after completing the treatment.

Real People, Real Stories

Below you can find stories of people who managed to stop smoking with Nicorix and they have never come back to their habit.

How to take Nicorix?

One package of Nicorix contains 60 capsules. You should take 2 capsules a day. The treatment should last from 1 to 2 months, depending on the level of addiction.

Remember that you can not stop the treatment when after a few days you discover that you do not feel the urge to smoke. Nicorix effectively fights symptoms of nicotine withdrawal, that is why your cravings disappear after taking the first tablet. However, in order to detox your body fully and fight the habit once and for all, you need to take Nicorix for 1-2 months.

Why Nicorix?

  • high effectiveness proven during tests
  • immediate action – you do not smoke from day 1
  • permanent results
  • lack of withdrawal symptoms
  • weight in control
  • free from nicotine – it is a strong addictive substance
Nicorix is not a 3 times bigger chance for success.
It is not 6 not even 10 times bigger chance.


Quit smoking today – don't wait any longer!
The research has shown that a spontaneous decision about quitting is the most effective.

YES, I'm ordering Nicorix, because I want to stop smoking FOR GOOD!

I KNOW, that if I'm not satisfied with the treatment I can ask for my money back – it is enough to send back the packaging.

I'M ORDERING, tablets for £15 instead £32 with delivery in a discrete box.

Please note that you will have to pay the customs duty when purchasing to the United Kingdom.
This means the total amount you will be obligated to pay may vary, depending on the value of your purchase.

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  • Pay now - £25

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